Partnering with Cicero Community Farm

Are you an organization or institution?

Do you look to partner with urban farms or impacted BIPOC communities? Cicero Community Farm dedicates itself to mutual partnership, co-creation, co-authoring, and co-ideating, and co-accountability. This process is necessary for building equitable and just systems disrupting the status quo.

Before reaching out. Please see our FAQs below.


  • To join the process of accountability for our local environment in Cicero meaning we remediate, care for, and cultivate the land previous to what it was before and ongoing colonization. Caring for and protecting our environment includes working with the community to hold officials and institutions accountable for neglect and harm. We seek partnerships with organizations and collectives who aim to disrupt current systems who have historically marginalized people from community control of their own local institutions. Item description

  • Human Rights are not conditional nor should they be a compromise/middle ground. We hope to gain partners willing to challenge the status quo within and outside of the organization. We also believe in institutions of power redistribute their resources, space, and knowledge to BIPOC and marginalized communities.

  • We hope to align with partners whose leadership is not limited to sole identities of privilege i.e. white, cis, male, able-bodied, middle-upper class, and more.

  • Navigating through Conflict and Repair with our Partners

    We recognize and value conflict as an important and healthy social fact of life. We gain much insight and understanding in standing in our own truths. We commit to extending elasticity to our partners when conflict arises and we believe it is us, in partnership, against a problem. We commit to holding space for one another and working through conflict. We will attempt to resolve conflict within us or through mediation. We are also accountable for our own unlearning and hope we can be held to radical standards as well.

    Unpartnering from Collectives and Organizations who are/have:

    • Unresolved conflicts with community or collectives

    • Not complying with internal or external worker’s rights or community equity

    • Committing to a savior-complex and observing marginalized groups as living in a “culture of poverty”

    • Contributing to gentrification and displacement of BIPOC communities

    • Bypassing an equity process and speaking for a community they are not a part


Partnering with CCF